
Therapies currently offered at the Royal Stoke Hospital are Active Surveillance, Prostatectomy, Radiotherpy, Hormone Therapy and Chemotherapy.


You may have the option of more than one form of therapy depending on how far your cancer has developed and how aggressive it is .    A multidisciplinary team which includes a surgeon (urologist) and doctors who are specialists in radiotherapy, hormonal therapy and chemotherapy treatments (clinical oncologists) will consider your case individually. The team may also include specialist nurses, social workers, and physiotherapists. It is common to see a surgeon, an oncologist and a specialist nurse to help you to make the right decision for you, and which will benefit you the most.The possible treatments will be discussed with you.


If the cancer is likely to develop very slowly you may be offered active surveillance. Men who have a moderate to high-grade cancer are more likely to be offered surgical removal of the prostate gland (radical prostatectomy) or radiotherapy to the prostate. These treatments aim to get rid of all of the cancer cells and cure the cancer.


In men with early prostate cancer, surgical removal of the prostate (prostatectomy) or radiotherapy to the prostate seem to be equally effective at treating the cancer. The radiotherapy can be given from an external machine or directly into the prostate gland as in brachytherapy, which is available by referral to other centres..

Hormone therapy may be used for some men as well as prostatectomy or radiotherapy.



The following therapies are available at some centres but not yet at the University Hospital North Midlands (Royal Stoke)

Cryotherapy (also known as cryosurgery) or high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment may be offered to some men.


High Intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is sometimes used as a treatment for early prostate cancer. This treatment may be as effective as surgery or radiotherapy for early prostate cancer.


HIFU treatment is given under a general or spinal anaesthetic. A probe is inserted into the back passage (rectum). The probe produces a high-energy beam of ultrasound. This heats the affected area of the prostate gland, destroying the cancer. The probe is surrounded by a cooling balloon to protect the normal prostate tissue from damage.


 Different therapies carry different risks and side effects but none as great as losing your life if you refuse treatment. Side effects include nausea, vomiting, weight gain or loss, mouth sores and in rare cases infertility.





The next group meeting will be on Wednesday 19th February 2025.  at 6.00pm.  In the Joiners Square         Community Hall, Cornes St.,      Off Leek Rd., Hanley. ST1 3JA   


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01782 722168

01782 393623

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The North Staffordshire Prostate Cancer Support Group is a registered charity with the Charities Commission under Charity Number 1129646. We are affiliated to the Prostate Cancer Support Federation. © Clive Stevenson