When you or someone you love is diagnosed with cancer it can be a scary time for all involved.


With help from the dedicated support team at the North Staffs Prostate Cancer Support Group, it can be a much easier time to cope with. Men suffering with the illness benefit from support from fellow sufferers and people who have coped with the illness and have recovered. It is a welcoming atmosphere with much to learn about how to cope with the illness and make coping a lot easier on both the sufferer and the sufferer's family.


 It's always good to know there are people out there with the same condition as you, helping many realise they are not alone and are never abandoned. There is always friendly advice and help and many dedicated people ready to help..

Visit North Staffs Website

Royal Stoke Hospital/University Hospital of North Midlands






The next group meeting will be on Wednesday 19th February 2025.  at 6.00pm.  In the Joiners Square         Community Hall, Cornes St.,      Off Leek Rd., Hanley. ST1 3JA   


    Contact email:-  clivestevenson19@gmail.com



Contact us today!

If you have any queries or wish to speak to someone, please call our helplines on :-

01782 722168

01782 393623

Calls are charged at your local rate.


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The North Staffordshire Prostate Cancer Support Group is a registered charity with the Charities Commission under Charity Number 1129646. We are affiliated to the Prostate Cancer Support Federation. © Clive Stevenson